Monday, June 29, 2015

The sweet feel of A.C.

Well the verditc is in. We didn't just have an AC go out. We honestly did blow it up. The compresser blew up and took out the whole unit so we had to get a new one.  The apartment is finally cooled off and I am a much happier and crafter woman for it.

I finished the necklace I was making! I still need to photo shoot it right so forgive the only photo I have of it is a selfie.
The three tone really came out well I think and it lays nice. You will find I do a lot in the byzantine weave. Okay so here is an easy bracelet to make! You can use Stainless or any other metal as its not tension locked!

If you need it bigger to read go here :

Have a great Day!


Friday, June 26, 2015

The best laid plans

So here I am working on a new necklace.
Stainless steel with swarovski crystals in pale purple, wine, and amethyst.... and then.. My Ac does this:
So now I am way to hot to even look at my tools as it is getting fixed.  And that's what happens to well laid plans.  Ugh.

Stay cool!


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Are tools ment to fly?

It it right there. You can see it in your mind and know how it is going to play out. This ring goes here. This one there. Close the ring tight. You are filled with joy and the creative juices are flowing like water over a cliff....

And then you hit the rocks.

This thing you made: looks nothing like / won't do what it is suppose to / what the... Or the best on. You hit those rocks down at the bottom and you have something epic! You are in love with your new babble.

Or your tools fly across the room while colorful language spills from you lips.

Yeah.. your a crafter all right.

One of my earring designs actually came about something like this. I was working on something completely different and my project slipped out of my hand. I picked up this jumble of rings just right. Added two more rings and a bead and wallah:

I guess my point is never give up. You never know what awesome thing you might come up with today.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A question of taste....

As a crafter you do get into the bubble. This is this and that is that and you will do this and not that. And you get into this mode where you think this thing you are working on is amazing. Then you see it a day, week, year, later and ask yourself What were you thinking?!

More so when it sells. You look at the order and go, -Really-. But you don't say it aloud you just smile and tend to the transaction and say thank you. But the mental question is in your head. Do have have any good taste? Did they?

Then you relize its all kinda pointless. And move on with your day with a chuckle.

And that's a lil random tidbit about crafter life.


Thursday, June 18, 2015


There is one thing that can kill your craft dreams faster then a blink of an eye. How you photo them. To minimalistic? Bad. To Busy. Bad. Fuzzy? Worst then bad. And it is one of those games like your crafts not everyone is going to love. I get as much negative feed back about my photos as anyone else.

I have found that sticking to your guns is the most important thing. find a style you think works best. For instance here is mine.  I use a prop and then lay it down like so in my listings. So you get one photo like this:
And then another like the second photo. I use a mirror that accents the gray background that I use. I find it makes the pieces pop. Others don't like it. I make sure each photo is clear to the eyes as well so the details are seen.

Which means for me taking a lot of photos because you will get gems like this:
Sexy isn't it? 

Do I photo shop? Yes yes I do. To make the photos brighter and more crisp. Like so.. this is a before photo shop and then after. With crafting it doesn't have to be the bane all like it is to models.

Just enhancing the brightness of a photo can do wonders for it. So play around and find something you like.

What do you think?


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

On ward with the scales!

I am still on this dragonscale kick even after being down for two days with a sinus migraine. Those really blow. Right now I am doing a rainbow on the bias. Its coming along really pretty. Is it making me love the colored rings more then stainless? Not really. But I do love the colors and this has made me think I need to add more colors to my shop.

So that is something to look forward to in the upcoming days.

Here is what the dragonscale is looking like right now.

I am not sure what I am going to make after this. Likely something in stainless but I am open to suggestions.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Weave through the pain?

I like so many others suffer from sinus migranes. Somedays I can work past the pain. This one is one of the bad ones so please excusse the silence as I medicate up and pray it leaves.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Getting into a groove

Sometimes something happens to a crafter. You get into this groove where all you want to make is this type of thing. And it is a good thing.. but your brain is frying with just DO THIS and only this. It can also be a time of great creation or frustration for the crafter. I am lucky this time I am in a good groove.

Yet I have to be mindful that I don't spin out. So walking away even while in that groove is a good thing. Work for a few hours... then clean house. Go shopping. Take in a movie or read a few chapters in a book. What ever works to get your brain off the project at hand with out fully distracting you from it so the groove is killed.

My groove is Dragon Scale right now. While I prefer working in stainless steel, as i said before, I am currently working in anodized aluminum. You can play with the colors and what have you in interesting ways. For example I did this as a custom order for a friend:

Full Rainbow Dragonscale inlay.

 I just finished this one which is a bright silver with a bronze colored inlay. Both rings are Anodized aluminum.

Dragonscale is a fun weave and has an interesting texture. This is the new one I am working on.

Its a gradation of a pink lavander and icy blue tones. Please ignore the silver on silver at the bottom that was just to start it and will be removed later on down the stage.

So tell me, what do you like to get your groove with?


Thursday, June 11, 2015


I had a whole post written out and my brain went. NOPE. Because it sounded like I was in second grade. Oh well that happens. My brain is more into working on a new dragon scale with an inlay pattern. I finished the one I was working on in Silver and Bronze tones.  Oh well.

I hope you all have a great day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Well the rings are all sorted and I am working on another colored dragonscale bracelet. Let me tell you. Starting a Dragonscale bracelet is a down right pain in the .. *ahem* It doesn't want to start and it is floppity no matter what you do so it takes a few moments. And then... It starts doing everything it is suppose to with out pause.

For some it is a simple weave, but as I use micromaille more often then not. [Micro is anything 20g 21g and up.] it takes me longer then some. I usually find a show to burn out on streaming it and just go.

So here you go, this is one of the photos I took yesterday while I was weaving to give my hands a break.
It is aluminum in the colors of bright silver and an inlay of bronze. Okay back to it for now. Hope you have a great day!


Monday, June 8, 2015

The not fun stuff...

When you are a crafter it is not all "Let's make something Amazing!" no matter how much we want it to be. There is the fight of how to store things. Sorting them. Add in that if you have furrie babbies then they all want to help you are in for a long while of getting things sorted.

So today and last night I have been sorting out rings. Tiny little rings that are no bigger then well showing a photo will be the better choice of action as they are tiny 1/8th rings.
Yes that is a quarter. So I am sorting all these.. into there right colors like so.

Welcome to the unsexy side of crafting and one of the necessary evils.


Friday, June 5, 2015

On my desk...

So today is one of those.. hey how would that look. I have mixed both a captured weave and a full Persian weave. I think it is coming along nicely. But the chore is making sure the sides are even so the bracelet is even.

The bead captures are swarovski crystals. And as always I working in stainless.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Crafters Dilemma

Its quite the common thing in the world to face an obstacle when you are doing something. For me and many of my fellow crafters it is time loss. Usually when we should be sleeping. We get so involved with a project that the significant other comes over and kisses us good night and we mutter, be in soon. What ever we are streaming on Netflix, or what have you is still playing so we have time right. We have only clicked next episode like twice.

And then it is 4am. You have a rush in your body and you are almost done!

Wait.. 4 am!? And then all the tired hits and you drag yourself to bed. To play there nitpicking ever inch of what you have done. Wondering if you did this right. You sleep.. then you are up again and the circle repeats.

Thank everything for Coffee.

Yay coffee!! Have a great day you all. Today I am going to finish a bracelet that has elements of Persian weave, orbitals, and inverted round. Whee!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Yes it is a day late!

Sorry I meant to have this done yesterday but the Gods of the sinus migraine won out over that making me waste the whole day. So today I bring to you a picture tutorial of European 4 in one! If you can not make this photo bigger you can also find it at :

Monday, June 1, 2015

Morning times!

I like this time of the day to look at what projects I will be working on. No one is home but me and the cats so I can take as long as I want.. unless the cats are hungry and then I best tend to the needs of my small furry masters. I think today I am going to make another rainbow dragonscale bracelet.

Dragonscale is a weave where one smaller ring looks like it is patterned into a smaller ring, and how they lay makes it look like scales.

Here is an up close of the last rainbow bracelet I did. With the brighter colors being the smaller 'scale' you can really see the pattern in this photo. But it works amazing in stainless steel.

As you can see in stainless it still gives of that wonderfully complex looking texture while still being a nice and thin bracelet. Nor is it to hefty of a bracelet to wear on your wrist. You can see this one in more detail at my Etsy shop

I would say this is an advanced weave. Its a pain the the butt to start but once you get going it is a quick weave.  Tomorrow I will show you how to make the most basic of weaves. The European 4in1.
