Friday, July 17, 2015

Playing with color

I am finding myself enjoying more and more playing with the colors that anodized aluminum rings give me. It is a depart for me from the steady tone of the stainless steel rings. It makes me want to play with rings that are just as hypoallerenitc as stainless but that can be colored. mabye that will be one of my next projects.

Currently I am moved away from dragonscale and playing with Byzantine.

Have you ever started playing with a new medium before? Kinda fun isn't it?

Monday, July 13, 2015


Finally the cold has left the building and I am not fighting with having a runny nose or not. Which means I can finally pick up my camera and set to taking photos of the new things I have made while ill. Okay it is not a lot being only two bracelets but they are both dragon scale.

I am going to have to get new a new camera as well. Mine is starting to fail. Which is a huge pain in the behind really when there are so many cameras out there. Should you get this or get that and some will swear you need 4,000 in equipment but I have been just fine with a camera I was given for my birthday and a lil photo kit.

I guess what I have found works best is taking your time and making sure you are getting good shots of what you are photoing. Time is always your friend. Knowing your enviroment as well. I know photos at night in my space are bad. Morning light helps best with my photos. Experiment and play.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

The cold that just won't go away!

Just when I think I am fully better I wake up feeling like positive crud. And some would think that crafting would be a cathartic thing for me when I am ill .. however it just drives me to further distraction and frustration.  Oh well life goes on and you do what you have to do.

I hope everyone is happy and healthy and has a great Weekend!

Monday, July 6, 2015

So where have I been?

Happy belated 4th everyone. While everyone else was watching fire works and eating hamburgers I was in bed going threw five boxes of puffs with lotion. I am still not fully myself but i am on the med. I truly think that summer colds are possibly the worst thing ever.  But I should be able to work again.

I am going to try and finish this dragon scale that I was working on but had to stop because I couldn't even hold my tools with this illness. Tell me what you think?

Darker blue with a lighter blue inside.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

a bit of this and that...

All is okay in the home front. Not to shocking with all the go and fro with the holiday coming up. We have no real plans as work wants what it wants. So when he gets home we will relax and not do much more then that.

Anyone have any good plans?

For the moment I am still working on my dragon scale kick. No photos today just a wish for you all to have a great day.